Every year, at the beginning of the school year, two parents from each class can offer to be a representative (or substitute) for their class. It is a work in pairs, which does not exclude fathers or working mothers. Being a class rep is a great way to get involved in the life of the school, to be an active member for the benefit of all, children and teachers, while having a special contact with your child's class. We welcome new families to become a class rep. It facilitates their integration!

The Conseil d’Ecole’s purpose is to:

  • Adopt the school’s rules

  • Discuss various subjects relating to the school’s organisation, such as:

  • The school’s multi-year project

  • The organisation of the school’s timetable and calendar

  • Hygiene, health and pupils’ security in school.

  • Parents’ representatives will be elected in mid-October for a full year. Each parent or group of parents is free to create a list, and several lists may be put forward for election.

  • As in all schools in France, these elections are organised yearly to decide who will become the parents’ representatives at the Conseil d’Ecole. Historically, there has always been only one list of parents’ representatives organised by the APEEF, but feel free to present a different one if you wish.

Why be a class rep

Every year, at the beginning of the school year, two parents from each class can offer to be a representative (or substitute) for their class. There is a total of 22 to 24 delegates to cover the 11 classes of the school (CM1a and CM2a are considered two separate classes in this instance). Class reps operate in pairs, which does not exclude fathers or working mothers. We also recommend that you rely on all the parents in your class, ready to help on an ad hoc basis, to act as a relay on specific actions.

Being a class rep is a great way to get involved in the school's life and be an active member for the benefit of all children and teachers while having particular contact with your child's class.

We happily accept new parents as class reps. It helps their integration within the community!

What do you do as a class rep?

To represent the parents of your child's class in front of the teacher and other parents and to represent them at Conseil d’Ecole once per term,

  • to participate in some class activities when requested by the teacher (e.g. find accompanying parents for visits),

  • to be the relay between the parents and our association, for the events organised by the APEEF: Christmas market, summer fair, cake sales or other events for the benefit of the school.

  • to participate in the class rep meetings about once per term, in order to share your ideas and suggestions, and to be informed about the various committees of the association as well as the Conseil d’Ecole,

  • to communicate the school rules to parents, if necessary (rules of procedure and anti-harassment)

  • and finally, to organise, at the end of the year, a present for the teacher(s) of your class.

Being a class rep is a great way to get involved in the school's life and be an active member for the benefit of all children and teachers while having particular contact with your child's class.