Multi Sports

This club is for children who want to have fun discovering and practicing new sports, whilst learning new techniques and rules of the game.

Playing several sports means giving children the opportunity to discover a multitude of sports while developing their motor skills such as coordination, endurance, agility and speed. These fundamentals allow the sporting development of the child and help in the choice of a future sport.

All exercises and games will be fun. At the end of each session, there will be an opposition in the form of a match or a big game. Fair play and team spirit will be encouraged.

Children will be encouraged to listen to themselves and to others, and to work on self-confidence, body conscience and team spirit.


Dodge Ball / Hockey / Football

Handball / Touch Rugby

Basketball / Ultimate Frisbee / Archery

American ball / Seated ball

Relay / Sprint race

Sparrowhawk / Viper fox hen


Multi Fun Skills


Music Initiation