Parents Dinner
Parents Dinner
Each year in Spring, the APEEF organises a dinner for 120+ parents, teachers and school staff members. The objective is to spend a nice evening with friends, to meet teachers or parents in a convivial way and to raise funds. The dinner itself is managed at cost and all money raised comes from raffle tickets sold in the two weeks prior to the event and on the day and from the auction happening during the evening.
“Le diner” is the largest fundraising event of the year for the APEEF. We are very grateful to parents for contributing to this successful fundraising by donating amazing items for the raffle and auction as well as purchasing raffle tickets and bidding on auction items.
Volunteer Team
Thanks to Carine, Anne-Lise, Cyrus and Olivier for organising this year. Each year we need a minimum of 3 parents to help:
Finding and managing the relationship with the venue,
Looking for companies/shops willing to donate items for the raffle or auction,
Looking for parents to donate items,
Managing registration and payment processes,
Managing communications with parents and the school
Coordinating the event logistics before, during and after the dinner
If you want to help being part of the core team, or even give us a bit of your time to find sponsors to donate items or vouchers, to sell raffle tickets or to help us on the d-day, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.